Lot #: 400
Estimate: $100-$200.A Note About Estimates
An estimate is an expected selling price for an item at auction. The price ranges for each lot are considered conservative in value, and are listed as a courtesy to our bidders to give them an idea of how much they may be expected to pay to win the item. It is entirely possible for an item to sell for less or more than the given estimate.
×Sold! $275.
Scarce Two-Gallon Stoneware Jug with Cobalt Floral Decoration, Stamped "D.D. & I.N. WELLS / WHATELY, MASS," circa 1849-1857, cylindrical jug with semi-rounded spout brush-decorated with three splay-petaled flowers conjoined at the stem. Cobalt highlights to maker's mark and capacity mark. Spout area broken and crudely reglued and colored. Otherwise excellent condition. H 13 3/4".