Lot #: 314
Estimate: $200-$300.A Note About Estimates
An estimate is an expected selling price for an item at auction. The price ranges for each lot are considered conservative in value, and are listed as a courtesy to our bidders to give them an idea of how much they may be expected to pay to win the item. It is entirely possible for an item to sell for less or more than the given estimate.
×Sold! $300.
Rare Glazed Redware Inkwell with Copper Slip Decoration, American, probably New York State, early to mid 19th century, cylindrical form with central ink hole surrounded by four quill holes, decorated with folky wavy line and spot designs in slip-trailed copper over a reddish ground, under a light lead glaze. The dark reddish coloration of the clay is consistent with other New York State redware pieces, most notably those by Alvin Wilcox. Provenance: Originally found in New York State; Crocker Farm, Inc., July 20, 2019, lot 422. Chipping around base. Restored chips. Some touch-up to slip. A hairline to top surface, extending partway down side of inkwell. Diameter 3 5/8" ; H 1 3/8".