Very Rare Twelve-Gallon Cobalt-Decorated Stoneware Jar with Baltimore, MD Advertising and Stenciled Eagle Motif, Stenciled "EAGLE POTTERY" and "JAMES HAMILTON & CO. / MANUFACTURERS / GREENSBORO. PA," circa 1875, semi-ovoid jar with tooled shoulder, applied lug handles, and semi-rounded rim, the shoulder featuring the stenciled advertising, "JOHN G. MEDINGER AGENT. / BALTIMORE.MD," including stenciled tulips and scrollwork. Midsection with large stenciled design of a Federal eagle clutching arrows and an olive branch, carrying a banner inscribed "EAGLE POTTERY." Stenciled below with the name of the maker, "JAMES HAMILTON & CO. / MANUFACTURERS. / GREENSBORO. PA." Base with stenciled 12 flanked by foliate devices. Freehand stripe decoration below rim, to shoulder, and at base. Cobalt highlights to handle terminals. A desirable combination of maker's stenciling with unusual advertising, potted in a large size, and featuring the region's iconic eagle motif. A 5" diagonal line on front, becoming a restored crack extending across underside and continuing up left side of jar and curving a short distance onto front, where it stops above the eagle motif. An additional 6" x 2" restored section to surface of underside, extending slightly onto jar's bottom edge, not visible on interior. A 10 1/2" unrestored crack from rim on far left side of jar's front. H 21".
Important Note: Due to its large size, this object cannot be shipped via our ordinary in-house shipping. The winning bidder should either pick this up at our gallery or make special arrangements for shipping / transport with a third party art handler.

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