Extremely Rare Decker Pottery (Tennessee) Salesman's Sample Grave Marker

Fall 2020 Stoneware Auction

Lot #: 154

Price Realized: $6,000.00

($5,000 hammer, plus 20% buyer's premium)

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Auction Highlight:  Fall 2020 Auction | Southern Pottery |

Fall 2020 Auction Catalog

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Extremely Rare Stoneware Salesman's Sample Grave Marker, Stamped "T.R. KILE / BORN / AUG 3, 1700. / DIED / AUG. 3, 1800," attributed to the Decker Pottery, Chucky Valley, TN, late 19th century, wheel-thrown form with footed base, cylindrical body, and stepped finial, the front impressed with the cobalt highlighted inscription, "T.R. KILE / BORN / AUG. 3, 1700. / DIED / AUG. 3, 1800." Impressed and cobalt-highlighted asterisk motifs around shoulder and running vertically in three columns on the body. The marker's identical birth and death dates, set exactly one-hundred years apart, indicate this piece was made as a sample for prospective customers. Few examples of this Decker form have survived. Since this marker saw no use outside, it survives in a remarkable state of preservation. Excellent, essentially as-made condition. H 12".

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