3 Gal. LYONS Stoneware Jar with Bold Floral Decoration

Summer 2020 Stoneware Auction

Lot #: 123

Price Realized: $270.00

($225 hammer, plus 20% buyer's premium)

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Summer 2020 Auction Catalog

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Three-Gallon Stoneware Jar with Cobalt Floral Decoration, Stamped "LYONS," Thompson Harrington, Lyons, NY, circa 1860, cylindrical jar with tooled shoulder, flared collar, and applied lug handles, decorated with a brushed and slip-trailed design of a flowering daisy plant with detailed blossom. Slip-trailed "3" to shoulder. Cobalt highlight to maker's mark and handle terminals. Two rim chips on reverse. Some mottling to reverse. A large flake to interior shoulder area. Chips and wear to interior of rim. Minor chips to one handle. Wear to edge of opposite handle. Some minor exfoliation to side and reverse of jar.

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