Very Rare Tintype Portrait of an African-American Man Holding a Stoneware Jug, American, circa 1865, image depicts an elderly African-American man, seated with jug on his thigh, embracing the jug with his right hand and holding the handle of the jug with his left. Jug features an ovoid form with tooled spout and includes a corn cob stopper. The style of the jug indicates it was made circa 1840-1860 in the Southern or possibly Midwestern U.S. The name, Lew Cassell(?), in penciled script on the paper mat likely refers to the sitter, possibly a potter. Current research, however, cannot determine any additional information on the name, Lew Cassell, or the man in the photo. Period American photos depicting stoneware are considered highly unusual. Provenance: Recently found in an album of 1860s and 1870s tintypes and cabinet card, which included a number of Union soldiers. Many of the photos originated in Ohio. Not examined outside of mat, but tintype appears to be in excellent condition. Mat has spotting and a tear on reverse. Matted Dimensions: 4" x 2 1/2".

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