Lot of Two: Slip-Decorated Redware Plates

July 22, 2017 Stoneware Auction

Lot #: 602

Price Realized: $177.00

($150 hammer, plus 18% buyer's premium)

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July 22, 2017 Auction Catalog

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Two Slip-Decorated Redware Plates, Pennsylvania origin, 19th century, both with coggled edge, the larger plate with three wavy stripe of copper slip, the smaller plate with splashed trails of cream-colored slip. Provenance: A fresh-to-the-market example, from a sixty-year private collection. Smaller plate with wear to rim, a short crack from rim, and a small flake to interior. Larger plate with two long glazed lines to interior, not visible on reverse, as well as a small rim chip. Diameter (of larger plate) 9 5/8".

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