Exceptional Three-Gallon Stoneware Jug with Stenciled Cobalt Deer Decoration, Stamped "J.C WAELDE. / NORTH. BAY", New York State origin, circa 1860, semi-ovoid jug with rounded spout, decorated with a stenciled design of a deer or elk with large antlers, standing atop a stylized ground between abstract slip-trailed wavy line motifs. The stenciled figural design on this jug is applied with a sponge, which creates an appealing mottled application to the cobalt slip. Additionally slip-trailed with the number 3 above, underscored by dashes. Brushed cobalt highlights to maker's mark. Outstanding decoration and color. This jug is the first example of North Bay stoneware we have offered bearing this particular deer design, which is larger and more elaborate than the typical deer motif employed at this pottery. Long horizontal crack at base with a 6 1/2" Y-shaped crack and a 3 3/4" crack extending off from it. Two small adjacent, in-the-firing chips at base. Two small in-the-firing surface chips to body.

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