Extremely Rare G. LENT / LANSINGBURGH, NY Incised Ovoid Stoneware Jug
March 19, 2016 Stoneware Auction
Lot #: 138
Price Realized: DNMR
Lot #: 138
Price Realized: DNMR
Extremely Rare Two-Gallon Stoneware Jug with Elaborate Incised Floral Decoration, Stamped "G. LENT / LANSINGBURGH", New York State origin, circa 1825-1843, skillfully-potted, highly-ovoid jug with tooled spout and ribbed handle, decorated with an outstanding incised and cobalt-highlighted design of two pomegranates extending from a leafy branch. Heavily-incised details to fruit and leaves. The decoration also includes alternating concentrations of cobalt to the pomegranates, adding depth to the incising, with exemplary color to the cobalt. Brushed cobalt highlights to maker's mark and handle terminals. According to William C. Ketchum, Jr.'s authoritative book, Potters and Potteries of New York State 1650-1900, Lent moved to Lansingburgh from Troy in 1825 and quickly established a stoneware manufactory there. While Lent would remain in Lansingburgh the remainder of his life, potting there until 1843, relatively few signed examples of his work from this city are known. The incised decoration on this jug is somewhat related to the well-known incised floral motifs Lent employed in Troy, yet with a more artistic and sophisticated flair. Based on the decoration, this jug was mostly likely produced during Lent's early years of production in Lansingburgh, circa 1825 to 1830. An important, newly-discovered work, which combines both rarity and beauty. Provenance: A fresh-to-the-market example, recently found in the Northeastern U.S. As-made condition with large salt drip and small in-the-firing surface chip to right side as well as an in-the-firing dent to reverse. H 14 1/4".
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