Outstanding Four-Gallon Open-Handled Stoneware Jar with Incised Floral Decoration, Manhattan, NY origin, circa 1800, wide-bodied, ovoid jar with footed base, tooled shoulder, and open loop handles, decorated on the front and reverse with an incised and cobalt-highlighted design of a daisy with scallop-edged petals. Cobalt highlights to handle terminals. Excellent size and form with a squatter shape than most Manhattan jars of this type. Its floral motif is unusual for pieces produced in this city. Remnants of a W. Oakley Raymond sticker on the underside reportedly once read "C CROLIUS / W O R / 9-10'36". This information has since worn off. An in-the-firing separation on interior extending from rim to shoulder. This line is partially visible on the exterior beside one of the handles. Very nice overall condition. A 3" in-the-firing, horizontal surface line below decoration on one side, which is not visible on the interior. A 7/8" piece of clay adhered to surface on opposite side. Two base chips. H 13 5/8".

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