Outstanding and Important Ten-Gallon Stoneware Jar with Profuse Stenciled and Freehand Cobalt Decoration, Stenciled "JAMES HAMILTON & CO. / GREENSBORO, PA," circa 1875, semi-ovoid jar with tooled midsection, semi-rounded rim, and applied lug handles, featuring striking, top-to-bottom decorations in freehand and stenciled cobalt. Upper half of jar includes the diagonally-stenciled signature "JAMES HAMILTON & CO." flanked by stars. Bottom half of jar stenciled "GREENSBORO, Pa.", also with stenciled star border. Upper half of jar decorated with finely-brushed fuchsia vines following the diagonal orientation of the stenciled signature. Shoulder decorated with freehand straight and wavy stripes and spots. Bottom half of jar decorated with freehand vining above and below the words "GREENSBORO, Pa.". Base with the number "10" surrounded by a spotted border and flanked by graduated wavy stripes. With its rare and visually-appealing diagonal stenciling, elaborate freehand brushwork, and numerous stenciled stars, this jar is possibly one of the finest examples of the form by James Hamilton known. Few examples of this quality are ever found on the secondary market. Provenance: A fresh-to-the-market example, which descended in the family of the consignor. Very nice condition with a 4 1/2" Y-shaped line on underside, connecting to an approximately 6 3/4" horizontal crack at base, and a 7/8" pre-firing, glazed-over base chip, which was brushed with cobalt by the decorator. H 20".

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