Extremely Rare One-Gallon Stoneware Jug with Incised Revolutionary War General's Bust, possibly a Depiction of George Washington, attributed to Goodwin & Webster, Hartford, CT., circa 1815, ovoid jug with rounded foot and tooled neck, decorated with an incised design of an American Revolutionary War general with raised sword, feathered hat, and epauletted shoulder. The distinctive shape of the hat indicates that the military man depicted is an early American general, and may actually represent George Washington. The underside also features an unfinished profile of a face. Decoration and handle terminals brushed over in cobalt slip. A highly unusual decoration on American stoneware from any period. The style of the incised design suggests the jug was made at the Goodwin & Webster pottery in Hartford, CT., possibly by one of the brothers, Edward or Chester Webster, who later potted in Randolph County, NC. See North Carolina Decorated Stoneware by Quincy C. Scarborough, Jr., p. 42, for a stamped Goodwin & Webster example probably by the same hand, which is currently in the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection in Williamsburg, VA. Excellent condition with three base chips. H 12 1/8".

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