Exceedingly Important Stoneware Water Cooler w/ Incised Federal Eagle Decoration, Henry Remmey, Sr. or Jr., Baltimore, c1812-29
Edgefield District, SC Stoneware Harvest Face Jug, circa 1860-70
Edgefield, South Carolina, Stoneware Face Jug, possibly Lewis Miles' Stoney Bluff Manufactory, circa 1860-70
Figural Stoneware Bank, attrib. J.L. Matthews Pottery, Rock Mills, Alabama, circa 1890-1910
Exceedingly Rare Six-Gallon F. STETZENMEYER / ROCHESTER, NY Stoneware Cream Jar w/ Cobalt Standing Lion Decoration
Exceptional Three-Gallon Alkaline-Glazed Stoneware Jug w/ Two-Color Slip, attrib. C. Rhodes Factory, Shaw's Creek, Edgefield District, SC, c1850
COWDEN & WILCOX / HARRISBURG, PA Stoneware Jug w/ Cobalt Cat
Large-Sized Stoneware Seated Monkey Figure, Southern or Midwestern origin, c1885
BAECHER / WINCHESTER, VA, Anthony Bacher, Winchester, VA, Redware Vase
Stoneware Face Harvest Jug, probably Barrow County, Georgia, c1880-1900
New York City Stoneware Jar w/ Elaborate Incised Bird Designs, c1790's
Manhattan / New York City Finely-Incised Vertical-Handled Jar
Exceptional Redware Loaf Dish w/ Three-Color Joggled Decoration, Connecticut origin, early 19th century
J. NORTON & CO. / BENNINGTON, VT Six-Gallon Stoneware Churn w/ Elaborate Cobalt Pheasant-on-Stump Decoration
BOSTON Stoneware Jug with J.F. Cartouche (Jonathan Fenton, late 18th century)
BOSTON (Jonathan Fenton, late 18th century) Stoneware Jar w/ Impressed Bird-Eating-Grapes Design
Miniature Stoneware Jug w/ Incised Bird on Stump, probably Connecticut origin, circa 1820
IEG (Isaac E. Gay, Buffalo, Kershaw County, SC) Alkaline-Glazed Stoneware Jar
Fine Sgraffito-Decorated Redware Plate, possibly Henry Roudebush, Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County, PA, c1815
"Harisburg" (Cowden & Wilcox, Harrisburg, PA) Stoneware Bird Crock
Exceptional Redware Loaf Dish w/ Latticework Slip Decoration, Pennsylvania origin, early 19th century
WARNE & LETTs 1806 / S. AMBOY . N. JERSY (South Amboy, New Jersey) Stoneware Jar
COWDEN & WILCOX / HARRISBURG, PA Stoneware Batter Pail w/ Elaborate Cobalt Grapes and Floral Design
J. BURGER JR. / ROCHESTER, NY Five-Gallon Lion Crock
GREENSBORO, Pennsylvania Stoneware Canning Jar w/ Thistle Design
J. & E. NORTON / BENNINGTON, VT Stoneware Crock with Cobalt Flying Hawk Decoration
COMMERAWS STONEWARE (Thomas Commeraw, Corlears Hook, Manhattan, NY) Vertical-Handled Stoneware Jar
EAGLE POTTERY (James Hamilton & Co., Greensboro, PA) Stoneware Jar
D. WILLIAMS / POUGHKEEPSIE Incised Stoneware Jug (Durrell Williams, c1815-20)
Diminutive Stoneware Churn Inscribed "Roseville Ohio" and "Charlie Melick", Roseville, Perry County, Ohio, c1875
Monumental Eight-Gallon CHARLESTOWN (Boston, Mass.) Stoneware Keg-Form Cooler with Incised Bird and Floral Motifs
BROWN BROTHER / HUNTINGTON / L.I. Three-Gallon Stoneware Jug w/ Star Decoration, Dated 1872
Miniature "Dewey Remember the Maine?" Jug Incised "Made by Ferd Force", Akron Stoneware Company, Ohio, c1900.
CHANDLER (Thomas Chandler, Edgefield, SC, c1850) Stoneware Milkpan
Pottersville, Edgefield, South Carolina Alkaline-Glazed Stoneware Jar, Marked "T"
COWDEN & WILCOX / HARRISBURG, PA Stoneware Batter Pail w/ Spotted Cobalt Foliate Decoration
Manhattan / NYC Stoneware Spouted Vessel w/ Elaborate Impressed Drape Decoration, fourth quarter 18th century
JOHN BELL, Waynesboro, PA, Diminutive Redware Pitcher
"Made by C.F. Bell / Sept. th 19 1884" Redware Jug, Stamped JOHN BELL / WAYNESBORO'
A. F. / 1828 Glazed Redware Pipe Bowl, possibly Swank, Johnstown
Stoneware "Peach" Preserve Jar, probably Crolius Family, New York City
CHARLES MILLER / MATAMORAS OHIO Twenty-Gallon Stoneware Crock by STAR POTTERY, Hamilton & Jones, Greensboro, PA
Greatest Hits
NY State Stoneware
New York City Stoneware
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Face Jugs
Edgefield Stoneware
David Drake Pottery
Baltimore Stoneware
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West Virginia Stoneware
Vermont Stoneware
Connecticut Pottery
Massachusetts Stoneware
Texas Stoneware
Moravian Pottery
Remmey Pottery
Norton Pottery
Meaders Pottery
John Bell Pottery
George Ohr Pottery
Incised Stoneware
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